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“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”Jesus of Nazareth (Mark 10:45)


No education is complete without showing students the duty and the joy of serving others.  Therefore, for PCS students, service becomes a way of life.  We are intentional about giving every student, from junior kindergarten to 12th grade, numerous opportunities to serve in weekly Chapels, on the PCS Campus, in their Classrooms, and throughout the greater Williamsburg area.

Students serve as greeters handing out programs to visitors on special occasions, grammar students give and collect weekly offering, and dialectic and rhetoric students serve in worship teams. 

Students serve their fellow PCS students by putting up and taking down the flag each day, managing sales in the school store, transporting ordered lunches to other buildings each day, collecting and organizing used uniforms for new students, washing tables before and after lunch, and more.  Every class and each house has a specific job assigned as a service rendered to our school campus.

Examples of classroom jobs are recycling, picking up equipment after recess, cleaning up after lunch, maintaining the nature trail, sweeping sidewalks, as well as numerous others.

Whether through visits to nursing homes and hospitals to sing or perform for residents, making and sending cards and packages for military service groups overseas, assembling gift baskets with cards to Veterans and individuals suffering illness or tragedies, students show God’s love to the community.  Another highlight is our annual Spirit and Service Week during which time students collect needed items for chosen charities, make and sell handmade items to profit local charities, and plan ways to serve local charities.

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